I have written work sample plus a video.

I have a video plus still images.

I have still images plus written work.

Remember, the stated maximums are 10 images, 5-7 pages of written material, or 5 minutes of audio or video.

If you must submit work samples in multiple formats,  be very careful not to exceed the intended page/time/length limits.  For example, if you must submit video plus images, you should submit fewer than 10 images and less than 5 minutes of audio or video. Or if you must submit images plus written work, submit fewer than 10 images and less than 5 pages of written work.

These are same the page/time/length limits that reviewers are instructed to follow. That means that if a reviewer sees 10 submitted images plus video, they may choose to look only at the images and then move on.

How to submit multiple formats

You can use the document submission (as for "written material") and upload a PDF that with embedded images (and written descriptions) weblinks to audio or video clips (with written descriptions) as well as written text. Format the PDF to help the reviewer navigate through the different materials.