BANF is clarifying the Artist Awards’ connection to a strategic focus on strengthening a BIPOC arts ecosystem. We received feedback about what constitutes service and what service is valued in this initiative.

The Artist Award, and all of our resource initiatives, are strategic efforts to invest financial resources that catalyze connection across communities (including geographic, cultural, and generational) building possibility of collective actions that build a thriving BIPOC arts ecosystem in the 9-county region of Greater Houston and beyond.  

From the June 26 Application Information Session.

31:25  Refinement and Clarifications

Service and Support

  • BANF frames service and support within a community as a form of leadership, with a focus on supporting others and uplifting community by contributing to a thriving BIPOC Arts Ecosystem.

  • This refinement is indicated in a revised narrative question:
    What does it mean to you to be part of and work in a Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern/North African and/or other community(ies) of color and how your work impacts/serves them? 

Artist Cohort and the Learning Community 

  • The guiding question for the upcoming learning community is:
    How can our collective knowledge transform  the artistic landscape of Greater Houston?

  • This refinement is indicated in a revised question about the Learning Community:
    What do you wish to contribute to the learning community with other grantees, or how do you currently contribute to BIPOC arts leadership in Houston’s communities to make our communities more ideal to work and thrive in?*