Submittable uses the term "Reference Request" to name what BANF asks for as an "Advocate Statement of Support."

How can I check the status of my request for an Advocate Statement of Support?          

Communicate with your advocates to let them know that you have requested a Statement of Support through Submittable. Be sure your advocates have "safelisted" so emails are not flagged as junk.

In an open draft application, under the section Artist Advocate and Support Statements, you will see a note saying whether your advocate has received your request with an option to resend it.

If you haven't already submitted your application, you have the option to cancel or change your request.

When your Advocate submits a Statement of Support on your behalf, you will receive an email notification letting you know that the reference has been received.

Can I upload an audio or video recording on my advocate's behalf? 

  • Due to the design of this application portal, we did not plan for artists uploading audio or video recordings on behalf of their advocates. 

  • If you have an audio or video recording from your advocate to upload, you can submit it by uploading it to a private YouTube page or some similar platform. Then create a document (for example in Word or as a PDF) and include a link to that video. The link can be unlisted or private.

  • Please note that advocate statements of Support are limited to 500 words or 3 minutes. maximum. However long the audio or video recording may run, the reviewers may take no more than the maximum time to view or listen to it.