See What is expected of CTA grantees?

The Cultural Treasure Accelerator initiative is a multi-component experience aimed at strengthening the futures of an essential component of Greater Houston’s thriving Arts Ecosystem: BIPOC-serving, small- and mid-sized arts and culture organizations. 

Each component aims to build opportunities to articulate and manifest a thriving existence for the organizations and their communities.


The one-time $20,000 grant supports planning and expenses accelerating the organization's self-defined future. In light of the past few years of compounded crises and new opportunities, BANF is interested in organizations that have determined a vision for their organization that leads toward a thriving future. There is no one solution, nor is there a specific success pathway that BANF believes is "correct." We are looking to support organizations that can clearly articulate their future vision that deepens their roots or grows their branches.


Responding to the needs for connection and technical support expressed by recipients of the 2021 grants, BANF convenes the grantees to develop a community of mutual support and thriving. Monthly meetings are designed as leadership development spaces to connect leaders across differences (geographic, aesthetic, cultural histories), share and codify Better Practices in support of BIPOC communities, and create opportunities for visioning and strategic risk-taking.  

The current framework incorporates concepts from adaptive change practice, abundance theories, and arts-centered methodologies like Theater of the Oppressed and Play Theory. The curriculum is not predetermined but will be co-designed, responding to the needs and interests of the cohort.


Prior grantees named the need for "Space to Dream and Create," which we interpret as the opportunity to commit to process-based learning that allows experimentation, risk-taking, and vision-oriented learning. The Creative Risk Fund is an opportunity fund that provides up to $5,000 in risk capital and/or vision-leveraging resources for each CTA awardee. The resources will be made available upon submission and approval of the Creative Risk Plan after the first quarter of participation.


BANF is designed as a learning initiative, and as such, participation in the experience asks organizations and leaders to participate in reflection, shared learning, and collaboration with evaluators/community storytellers. Though there will be no official "Final Report," surveys and reflection opportunities will help narrate the impact of the organization's involvement with the BIPOC Arts Network and Fund. We require this level of engagement not to create additional burdens on the awardee but as an opportunity to share processes and learnings to strengthen the broader ecosystem.